National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’

Who We Are
SPEI Business Group amalgamates three (3) technical functions under the Directorate, namely Strategic Planning, Economic & International Fisheries into one Business Group or Division. As it is now, the Directorate comprises a number of small technical units existing as silos and detached from a regular reporting and managerial oversight. These functional teams would be better coordinated and supervised if they were to operate as a Business Group under an executive manager to provide that required immediate and regular supervisory and leadership role to ensure a more coordinated outputs and provide day-to- day staff management so that these important functional functions are performed and staff are meaningfully engaged.
The strategic planning, and economic research and analysis are newly created functions originally parked under Directorate as shown under the top structure of NFA and reflected in the new NFA Corporate Plan 2021-2025 approved by the Board in 2019. The new functions are strategic functions which have not been properly assigned under a business unit and not properly delivered resulting in the lack of systematic planning and delivery of sector blue prints over the years.