National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’

Provincial Support and Industry Development
The Provincial Support & Industry Development Group is responsible for developing and facilitating strong links and regular consultation between NFA and both the commercial fishing industry and provincial and community fishery stakeholders. In particular the group has primary responsibility for promoting and facilitating the development of commercial and community fisheries by providing information, contacts and advice in areas such as business management, markets and fisheries resources, and access to donor or other development funding. It leads access negotiations with foreign deepwater fishing nations and coordinates participation and policy issues for bilateral and multilateral fisheries arrangements.
Core Functions
• To provide leadership in consolidating Acting on behalf of the Government in relation to any domestic or international agreement relating to fisheries, including access agreements and fisheries management agreements
• Liaising as appropriate with provincial & local level Governments, district authorities, communities and relevant stakeholders in order to facilitate fisheries development and management strategies
• Liaising as appropriate with agencies and persons, including stake holders, industry, government agencies, regional, international organisations and experts in order to facilitate maximised sustainable and equitable benefit from PNG marine and fisheries resources
• Introducing and appraising stakeholders on fisheries sector development policy issues, trade and market development opportunities and programs of the Division and overall activities of NFA
Priority Objectives
Provincial Support
To develop and provide a highly responsive, transparent and effective operational processes and procedures with provincial and local level governments to facilitate effective partnership and working relationship in developing and managing coastal marine and fisheries resources.
Industry Development
To establish a competent, responsive and transparent process with regional and international fisheries management and development organizations, fishing partners and key government agencies to facilitate processes for effective and sustainable fishery development plans and investment initiatives in order to ensure maximum socioeconomic benefit to PNG
Trade Development and Marketing
To establish a highly responsive transparent communication process with relevant business groups within NFA, the domestic fishing industry, provincial administrations and all relevant stakeholders to facilitate trade development and market access for PNG seafood products and provide strategic assistance to exporters in trade promotion activities
Priority Actions
Provincial Support
• Undertake regular reviews and consultations in relation to the MOAs between the NFA and Provincial Governments and communities to effectively appraise and promote current NFA-Province capacities, institutional arrangements and environments to promote vibrant fisheries development and management in the provinces
• Initiate close consultation with NDB to establish a lending procedure of the fisheries credit facility that can be easily be accessible by the fisher folks and fish farmers
• Facilitate and coordinate in close consultation with DCI and provinces, on the establishment of fisheries cooperatives or associations to enable access to credit, grants, PDF and other donor assistance.
• Liaise with other NFA business units, provincial administrations and stakeholders to encourage the preparation and adoption of provincial level fisheries development and management plans and community based fisheries management strategies
Industry Development
• Facilitate and coordinate regular consultation with the fishing industry on national and regional fisheries policy in industry development and resource management and in relation to interventions and investments affecting the fisheries sector in PNG
• Provide effective representation for PNG at relevant national, regional and international meetings in regard to fisheries management, trade and development
• Initiate consultation with the relevant National Government agencies and seek technical input from regional fisheries organizations to further document fisheries management an development plans which can further advance economic benefits to PNG
• Work in close collaboration with the NFA Projects Unit to facilitate and coordinate projects derived from bilateral access arrangements, DEVFISH, INFOFISH and others
• Provide services for the effective management and monitoring of project and funding applications to the NFA Reserve Fund Committee and Project Development Fund
• Liaise closely with the ISMR and the NFA training coordinator to plan and organise effective training in support of skill development initiatives for NFA staff and across the sector
Trade Development and Marketing
• Facilitate and coordinate the participation of PNG fishing industry in the national and international seafood exhibitions
• Initiate and undertake market research and surveys
• Prepare and disseminate market information to the PNG fishing industry, seafood exporters and interested stakeholders in close consultation with INFOFISH and other regional fisheries organizations through FISHTRADE news, NFA website and other means of communication
• Build capacity to Improve officers’ competencies and organizational skills and capabilities in order to provide high level and competent technical advice to stakeholders on development initiatives
• Participate in processes to further develop a sustainable fisheries based successful regional marketing strategy
Key Performance Indicators
Provincial Support
• Reports and consultations, as tabled to the Directorate and Board demonstrate positive progress in all aspects of priority action targets and MOA review and implementation as documented in work plans and obtain the positive endorsement of the Board
Industry Development
• Reports and consultations, as tabled to the Directorate and Board demonstrate positive progress in all aspects of priority action targets and this is reflected in continuous positive investment and return to PNG from domestic based fisheries and processing as documented and demonstrated in economic analysis reported to the NFA Board
Trade Development and Marketing
• Reports and consultations, as tabled to the Directorate and Board demonstrate positive progress in all aspects of priority action targets and this is reflected in improved prices for marine resources at local and national levels, increased export volumes from established sustainable fisheries and the offering of new PNG value added products to the marketplace