National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’

Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
This business group comprises four separate units.
1. Enforcement Unit
The Enforcement Unit is one of the units of Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Business Group that responsible for surveillance and enforcement programs to ensure that holders of fishing and harvesting licenses, both domestic and foreign, understand and comply with the terms and conditions of their licenses.
Core Functions
Combat IUU fishing through national, joint regional and sub-regional surveillance and enforcement efforts.
Combat breach of licensing conditions by domestic license operators and unregulated operators.
Consolidate enforcement duties, linkages and agreements with appropriate enforcement and prosecution agencies and other relevant stakeholders.
Coordinate and organize capacity building programs and activities in support of enforcement functions.
Participate in new policy initiatives relating to enforcement functions.
Cooperate with agencies to provide effective patrols of fisheries waters and the Torres Strait Protected Zone;
Coordinate and implement a focused program of fisheries compliance awareness.
Priority Actions
Building enforcement capacity through the recruitment and training of additional enforcement officers.
Undertake effective consultation, interaction and relationship development with other business groups and enforcement agencies so as to build national enforcement capacity.
Plan and implement a risk identification and mitigation strategy so as to address threats to enforcement performance and MCS operations.
Plan and implement multi-agency surveillance, monitoring and enforcement activities
Undertake targeted training to build capacity for successful investigation and prosecution of access and license infringements and IUU activities
2. Observer Programme
Core Functions
Manage a best practice PNG fisheries observer program to increase the capacity for observer coverage, collect relevant data and monitor compliance with license conditions for fishing vessels operating in PNG waters
Facilitate observer placement in the national, sub-regional and international observer programs as arranged through FFA
Ensure effective observer debriefing and observer data management in support of the wider operational needs of the MCS NFA
Maintain an active observer training program so as to build observer capacity in ensuring effective reporting and production of quality and reliable observer data
Priority Objectives
To ensure a best practice and proactive enforcement capacity that will prevent, deter and combat IUU activities through effective surveillance, enforcement and prosecution practices, development and implementation of relevant enabling policies and cooperation and strategic alliance with national and regional agencies.
To effectively operate a compatible and secure Vessel Monitoring System that is capable of monitoring and providing intelligence on vessel movement and activity for surveillance and enforcement purposes, and is responsive to regional and sub-regional requirements.
To effectively operate an internationally recognized and approved regulatory food safety management system that conveys and implements required standards and facilitates regulatory compliance so as to ensure the success of PNG seafood products in national and international markets
To develop and maintain a highly competent and recognized national observer program that demonstrates high performance in collecting quality resource data and monitoring compliance with fishery license conditions and is responsive to regional and sub-regional requirements.
Increase the number of available observers through a committed training program and the early adoption of the proposed regional standard Pacific Island Qualified Fisheries Observer training and certification program.
Manage a best practice PNG fisheries observer program to increase the capacity for observer coverage, collect relevant data and monitor compliance with license conditions for vessels operating in PNG waters
Facilitate observer placement in national, sub-regional and regional observer programs
Ensure effective observer debriefing and observer data management in support of the wider operational needs of the NFA
Maintain an active observer training program so as to build the numbers of trained observers and ensure the quality and reliability of observer data and reporting
Recruitment of five or more observer port coordinators
Key Performance Indicators
At least ten successful coordinated inter-agency patrols are conducted and reported annually to the NFA Board with positive endorsement and 80% of cases progressed to court or Summary Administrative Panel (SAP) are effectively prosecuted
NFA VMS information is successfully integrated into the MCS function and effectively utilized with positive activity reporting submitted to NFA and other relevant agencies
PNG achieves and sustains national and internationally recognized food safety certification standards and PNG producers of fish and fishery products are internationally recognized for high quality products
PNG is able to improve levels of observer coverage in key target fisheries and the quality of observer data is validated through feedback from data users
ACU becomes a separate Business Group
3. Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Operations Unit
Core Functions
Coordinate a VMS intelligence surveillance program for national and regional integrated program.
Coordinate 24/7 monitoring of fishing in restricted fisheries waters and facilitate effective warning and reporting to appropriate agencies.
Ensure an effective VMS audit capacity and build the internal VMS management capacity through targeted training, skill development and technical assistance
Actively participate in regional and sub-regional consolidated VMS meetings and activities.
Priority Actions
Build VMS monitoring capacity through the recruitment and training of additional personnel so as to allow 24/7 coverage
Undertake effective operation and management of the VMS system and the Vessel Day Scheme
Enhance systems for effective internal, inter-agency, national, regional and international liaison and reporting of VMS derived information and intelligence
Work towards establishing VMS as a separate unit under MCS
4. Audit and Certification Unit
The Audit and Certification Unit is one of the units within Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Business Group. The ACU unit is responsible for ensuring that seafood processors understand and comply with export quality standards. It is important to ensure that PNG seafood export products comply with the food safety laws and regulations of importing countries, and thereby maintains its access to international markets, particularly Europe.
Core Functions
Manage the official fish and fishery products control systems and processes to ensure PNG meets domestic and international market access requirements
Control and regulate fish and fishery products safety and quality programs in accordance with the national and international legislative requirements and best practices;
Undertake stakeholder and agency liaison, consultation and cooperation in support of relevant policy development and national and international regulatory compliance
Priority Actions
Coordinate and facilitate targeted interventions to build technical capacity in seafood safety and regulatory compliance
Build ACU capacity in product testing and certification through improving laboratory operations and recruitment of qualified personnel.
Establish effective work programs for newly approved ACU staff positions and ensure timely recruitment to these positions
Maintain strategies to ensure ACU performance and capacity in relation to regulatory requirements for audit, certification and reporting
Work towards establishing ACU as a separate Business Group
Ensure effective stakeholder and agency liaison, consultation and cooperation in support of capacity development for national and international regulatory compliance
Liaise with NFC and other relevant training providers to further develop and implement targeted training and education programs in support of seafood safety and regulatory compliance
Coordinate processes to resolve issues and challenges in ensuring PNG meets national and international market access requirements for fish and fishery products