National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’

Mandated Functions
Under the Fisheries Management Act 1998, the National Fisheries Authority is “responsible for the management and development of the fisheries sector in accordance with the provisions of this Act under the overall policy direction of the Minister and shall perform and exercise its functions and powers on behalf of Papua New Guinea”
The functions of the National Fisheries Authority are defined in the Act as follows:
(a) manage the fisheries within the fisheries waters in accordance with this Act and taking into account the international obligations of Papua New Guinea in relation to tuna and other highly migratory fish stocks;
(b) make recommendations to the Board on the granting of licenses and implement any licensing scheme in accordance with this Act;
(c) liaise with other agencies and persons, including regional and international organisations and consultants, whether local or foreign, on matters concerning fisheries;
(d) operate research facilities aimed at the assessment of fish stocks and their commercial potential for marketing; and
(e) subject to the Pure Foods Act, the Commerce (Trade Descriptions) Act, the Customs Act, the Customs Tariff Act, and the Exports (Control and Valuation) Act, control and regulate the storing, processing and export of fish and fish products; and
(f) appraise, develop, implement and manage projects, including trial fishing projects; and
(g) prepare and implement appropriate public investment programmes; and
(h) collect data relevant to aquatic resources; and
(i) act on behalf of the government in relation to any domestic or international agreement relating to fishing or related activities or other related matters to which the independent State of Papua New Guinea is or may become a party; and
(j) make recommendations on policy regarding fishing and related activities; and
(k) establish any procedures necessary for the implementation of this Act, including tender procedures; and
(l) implement any monitoring, control, and surveillance scheme, including cooperation, agreements with other States or relevant international, regional or sub-regional organisations in accordance with this Act.
(m) Provide and promote training and capacity development for the fisheries sector in Papua New Guinea
Management Organisation Structure
The organisation is led by a Managing Director appointed by the National Executive Council and empowered to act under the Fisheries Management Act 1998. The Managing Director appoints a Deputy Managing Director.
NFA has been structured into seven business groups, each under the leadership of a Executive Manager reporting directly to the Managing Director. This has created direct accountability for the performance of each business group through a flat organisation structure. All business groups are based in Port Moresby except the Institute of Sustainable Marine Resources (ISMR) which is based in Kavieng, New Ireland Province.
The flat structure is also important to ensure the necessary high level of cross-functional coordination that is achieved through:
• Regular senior management meetings to discuss issues, coordinate priorities and share information;
• Monthly financial review meetings to present and review the performance of each business group against planned goals, budgets and key performance indicators;
• Project meetings as required to monitor shared activities; and
• Regular ongoing contact and consultation between staff members as necessary. This is encouraged.