National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’

The following are our goals and strategies which are focused at the institutional alignment and strengthening of strategic capabilities aimed at improving the core operations of the NFA in carrying out its core functions and responsibilities as provided for under the law, and in delivering the PNG Fisheries Strategic Plan 2021-2030.
GOAL 1.0: Legislative, regulatory, policy and processes review, strengthening and alignment
Strategies for implementation in annual work plans:
1.1 Complete the review of the Fisheries Management Act
1.2 Facilitate the Fisheries and Aquaculture Bill to go through the legal formalities for enactment
1.3 Review, update and alignment of the existing policies, fishery management plans, plan of actions
GOAL 2.0: Strengthen and expand fisheries management capacity and capabilities through applied research for providing the best scientific and economic advice
Strategies for implementation in annual work plans:
2.1 Strengthen the role of applied research in Fisheries Management, Aquaculture & Inland Fisheries and NFC.
2.2 Establish economic research and analysis function and capabilities for economic viability assessments and socioeconomic assessments.
2.3 Prioritise funding for scientific and economic research projects to inform fishery management plans and resource development projects.
2.4 Building strategic partnerships with research institutions in research and development programs and initiatives.
2.5 Implement training and capacity building programme for young fisheries scientists, economists and policy analysts.
GOAL 3.0: Strengthen fisheries development as a core mandate to maximise net economic returns from fisheries resources for PNG community
Strategies for implementation in annual work plans:
3.1 Strengthen and reorganize PSID to effectively coordinate industry development, fishing access, and investment and trade facilitation.
3.2 Establish clear functions of trade and market between PSID, Project Management and Audit, Certification and Catch Documentation
3.3 Strengthen and reorganize PSID to effectively coordinate provincial support programme and MOA implementation
3.4 Strengthen extension services function of the relevant business units
3.5 Reviewing the NFA-Provinces MOU and build in a clear role of coastal fisheries data collection and extension services.
GOAL 4.0: Robust monitoring, control and surveillance for increased compliance with fisheries laws and policies and relevant international fishing obligations and standards
Strategies for implementation in annual work plans:
4.1 Strengthen the regulatory framework through the review and amendments of the Fisheries Management Act 1998 (as amended).
4.2 Develop MCS support infrastructure with a view to increasing efficiency of MCS operations in terms of cost and real time response.
4.3 Appropriate MCS technology/platform to counter the increasing and changing challenges of IUU fishing activities in PNG waters.
4.4 Training and capacity building of MCS personnel to equip them well to respond effectively to the challenges of fisheries MCS operations.
4.5 Develop MCS cooperative arrangements and capacities through building new strategic partnerships where necessary.
4.6 Develop, enhance ethics and code of conduct for certified fishery officers
GOAL 5.0: Making NFA a robust Competent Authority
Strategies for implementation in annual work plans:
5.1 Strengthen catch documentation scheme and audit and certification (ACCD) functions in NFA
5.2 Review MCS policies such as IUU POA to improve and harmonise with new international, regional and national requirements.
5.3 Strengthen the implementation of port state measures agreement. By 2022 Incorporation of measures in NPOAs
5.4 Scale up efforts in research, testing and implementing new measures to combating IUU fishing, including using market related measures.
5.5 Ongoing upgrading of skills and resources through capacity building programs and strategic partnerships.
5.6 Strengthening inter-agency cooperation with relevant government agencies.
GOAL 6.0: Fostering strong and vibrant partnerships to enhance our Effectiveness and Efficiency
Strategies for implementation in annual work plans:
6.1 Build partnership with regional and international intergovernmental organisations to harness expertise and skills development.
6.2 Build strong working relationship with provinces for a more coordinated approaches in delivering projects and activities in the provinces.
6.3 Joint partnership with research institutions in carrying out our research projects and research training and capacity building for staff.
6.4 Taking the whole-of-government approach in addressing impediments in service delivery.
6.5 Taking the whole-of-government approach in addressing impediments in businesses.
GOAL 7.0: Robust and evidence-based policy and planning for the fisheries sector and NFA
Strategies for implementation in annual work plans:
7.1 Establish policy and strategic planning function for effective coordination evidence-based policy formulation.
7.2 Improve corporate strategic planning, Government reporting, development planning and development partner relations coordination.
7.3 Providing systematic strategic planning services to support resource planning, annual work plans, budgetary process and performance.
7.4 Provide systematic strategic planning services to align fisheries sector priorities to MTDP and higher Government development plans.
7.5 Develop and implement monitoring and evaluation system to promote learning and continuous improvement based on evidence.
GOAL 8.0: Make NFA an agile, accountable and customer-oriented organisation with strong governance system, a coherent structure, assertive leadership and resilient staff.
Strategies for implementation in annual work plans:
8.1 Implement and enforce the new NFA Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual.
8.2 Develop and improve internal operational controls that promote best practices in the workplace.
8.3 Develop and implement performance management systems and ensure continuous systems improvement to improve accountability.
8.4 Develop, implement ICT strategy to focus the information technology to the needs of NFA and capability to respond to future challenges.
8.5 Strengthen the internal audit and risk management oversight for strong accountability and mitigation of risks.
8.6 Develop a NFA workforce strategy that is strategically aligned to and supports the NFA priorities in the Corporate Plan 2021-2025.
8.7 Strengthen HR function including application of good HR practices, systems and appropriate technical expertise.
8.8 Improvement of workplace facilities and general environment.
8.9 Clear roles and responsibilities across NFA and effective matching of appropriate skills to positions, and preventing overlapping roles.
8.10 Prioritise leadership capacity building programme for managers, and mentoring programme for emerging managers.
8.11 Effective communication and reporting, such as senior management meetings and staff meetings
8.12 Nurturing strong organisational culture based on core values and guiding principles across NFA and breaking down silo mentalities.
8.13 Implement compulsory employee induction programme for staff tofully understand government business & NFA Admin Policies