National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’

Corporate Services
The Corporate Services Group is primarily responsible for the efficient and effective administration of the organization. Specific areas of responsibility include management of the human resources, computer and legal functions. Effective management in these areas is essential to allow other groups to function effectively. The Corporate Group also undertakes public relations and information dissemination activities that ensure effective communication between NFA and its stakeholders and promotion of NFA activities.
Core Functions
Promote NFA wide adherence to the principles and practices of the NFA Office Manual
Manage and implement achievable and effective performance review processes and targeted professional development and training so as to sustain the principles of a knowledge based organization
Manage systems to undertake regular review and revision of the NFA organizational structure to ensure that NFA is appropriately structured to carry out its mandated functions
Provide timely access to legal advisory and support services for all of NFA
Manage efficient and effective Information Technology systems in support of all NFA functions and services
Ensure the effective implementation of policies and systems in support of staff recruitment, retention, remuneration and welfare
Manage NFA properties and assets, maintain a dynamic asset register, ensure maintenance plans are in place and implemented in support of properties, offices, equipment, vehicles and staff housing
Ensure the effective operation and management of the NFA Library and stakeholder information services
Undertake the coordination of the NFA centralized file track file management system
Maintain a dynamic public relations and media office to keep customers and stakeholders informed
Work closely with the Provincial Support Section and the ISMR to coordinate training services and development for targeted commercial and community capacity building
Priority Objectives
Properties and information matters.
To provide an effective and efficient Corporate Services function that is responsive to all HR, Legal and Information Technology
To provide leadership in consolidating NFA as a well organized, client focused, solution oriented, transparent and knowledge based organization
Priority Actions
Coordinate an early review of the NFA organizational structure, job sizes, job descriptions, remuneration packages and performance management so as to ensure an appropriate structure is in place to achieve Corporate Plan targets
Develop and implement an NFA wide graduate internship program to contribute to succession planning and effective work program implementation
Review the policies and procedures of the NFA Office Manual and revise as required to clarify issues and give clear procedural guidelines to all personnel in order that operational policies and procedures are strictly adhered to and that respective functional areas are respected.
Establish the NFA library, associated information services and file track records management system as operational functions within the Corporate Services framework
Further develop integrated information management systems and an information management policy for the whole of NFA.
Coordinate the implementation of performance management and professional development practices and training policies so as to ensure achievable systems are in place and implemented.
Further develop organizational IT capacity to ensure staff are appropriately equipped and resourced to effectively undertake their designated functions and the NFA website reflects the dynamism of the NFA work program.
Improve recruitment and staffing processes to ensure vacant and new staff positions are filled on a timely and transparent merit basis, succession planning is in place and recruitment is not constrained by external influences;
Develop and propose for adoption new policies on a staff housing scheme, NFA security management, risk management and mitigation, property management and maintenance planning and implementation, occupational safety and health management, HIV AIDS and staff life insurance
Undertake early coordination of a project to consider and propose options for future NFA head office relocation
Maintain effective work program planning and annual review so as to ensure effective service delivery and productivity across all Corporate Service functions
Review selected HR policies and processes with a view to improving HR system performance and efficiency
Establish an effective training coordination capacity within Corporate services and ensure close liaison with the ISMR, Provincial Support Unit, other NFA business units and stakeholders
Provide an immediate organization wide template for business unit annual work plan development and reporting that reflects the objectives and priority activities established under this corporate plan
Key Performance Indicators
Corporate services reporting demonstrates progress and strong results in relation to priority actions across all corporate service functions and is positively endorsed by the NFA Boar
Stakeholder consultation processes provide positive support to the NFA Directorate and the Board as to NFA service provision and client focus