National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’

The Aquaculture Unit is part of the Fisheries Management Unit of NFA.
The overarching scope and mission of the unit ensures that PNG fisheries are managed to obtain maximum sustainable benefit, taking into account a balanced view of fishery science, environmental impact, social factors and economic development.
Our Primary Functions
Give Technical Assistance – the Aquaculture unit provides technical assistance to interested/existing farmers in terms of information and advice. If required we send staff to relevant sites for a more closer engaging collaborative support network.
Provide Workshops and Training – The unit can also run workshops and extensive pragmatic and hands-on training for interested farmers on fish farming and other aspects of aquaculture practices.
Conduct Surveys – The unit also encourages and supports surveying of existing inland aquaculture projects to update and see the current status of its overarching development in PNG.
Set Trial Projects – Because of the early stages of aquaculture development in PNG, NFA also seeks to the work with committed people to run trial pilot aquaculture projects to assess the ongoing feasibility and to plan and prepare to engage in expansion as required.
Aid Fingerling Distribution – The Unit can also assist in finding seeds of especially GIFT Tilapia and common carp, and aid in the corresponding distribution to farm sites.
Aid In Marketing – The unit, in collaboration with other units within NFA, can help in finding suitable local and international markets for the output of the aquaculture initiatives.
Work with Collaborative Partners – To help oversee the overarching development of aquaculture in PNG, the unit works with a range of relevant entities including: Government bodies and businesses, NGOs, Education institutions and other relevant stakeholders.
NFA Aquaculture Objectives
To establish Papua New Guinean aquaculture as a solid and viable business industry.
To raise PNG aquaculture products to achieve maximum returns in both national and international markets, as a sustainable and premium product.
Food security and poverty alleviation in PNG at a subsistent level.
Facilitate education to Papua New Guineans about aquaculture as an alternative means of producing fish and other aquatic products for economic profit and food supply.
Integration of aquaculture with agriculture by existing artisanal/subsistent farmers.
Aquaculture Development Strategies
Aquatic Health Management
Aquaculture Feed Development
Aquaculture Training
Food Security and Poverty Alleviation
Environmental Sustainable Aquaculture Practices
Investment in Aquaculture Research
Effective Communication and Dissemination of Information
Market Development and Trade Promotions
The National Aquaculture Policy
NFA has also set out a National Aquaculture Policy which sets out policies, strategies and guidelines for the development of aquaculture in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner in PNG.
National Aquaculture Development Management and Advisory Committee (NADMAC)
NADMAC is a sub-committee set up by NFA with members from different aquaculture stakeholder departments and organisations including: research institutions, educational institutions, NGOs, Government Departments including provincial government representatives, commercial industries and the subsistent sector.
The purpose of this committee is to discuss and oversee development and manage ongoing overarching issues of aquaculture in PNG.
Our Development Priorities
NFA realises and acknowledges three major constraints to aquaculture development in PNG. NFA is working closely with a range of relevant partners to drive initiates and solutions to ensure an ongoing and sustainable expansion of the aquaculture sector in Papua New Guinea.
Aquaculture Feed Development
Studies and trial have been done on feed formulation using locally available ingredients and training and feed production have been given to farmers.
Mini feed processing mills have been bough and set up at selected places in PNG.
Fingerling Production
Distribution centers (HAQDEC & DAL) and farmers are constantly producing fingerlings for distribution to farmers
With the introduction of GIFT tilapia, production of fingerlings should be easier at a subsistent level
Aquaculture Knowledge
Proper Aquaculture knowledge is lacking in most parts but with continual support from ACIAR and DAL, workshop training have been conducted successfully in different part of the country.
Example of Papua New Guinea Aquaculture Projects
Sirinumu Cage Culture Project – A trial project by the Aquaculture Section of NFA to see the feasibility of doing cage culture of GIFT tilapia and possibly barramundi in the Sirinumu Reservoir
Coconut Products Limited Prawn Farm – A Prawn Farm in Rabaul, East New Britain Province, which is currently breeding post larvae and producing prawns.
Coral Sea Mariculture Pearl Farm – A well established gold lip pearl farm currently producing pearls for export
Western Province Sustainable Aquaculture – A barramundi for restocking and also supply interested barramundi famers with seeds
Others – There are also a large number of inland semi intensive fish farmers mainly in the highlands of png farming carp and GIFT tilapia in ponds.