National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’


The National Fisheries Authority (NFA) of Papua New Guinea is non-commercial statutory authority established and operating under the Fisheries Management Act 1998 and related regulations.

To ensure the people of Papua New Guinea enjoy the highest levels of direct and indirect social and economic benefits through the responsible sustainable use of our fisheries and marine resources through participation

We seek to honour the following values:
Best practice customer service and client focus
Transparency, integrity and impartiality
Professionalism and excellence in time management and work ethics
Open communication and mutual respect
Knowledge, quality management and continuous learning
Core Values
Inclusive and Sustainable
Our fisheries resources are managed in a manner consistent with the principles of inclusivity, and ecological sustainability.
Local Resource Use Rights
Local resource rights to our shared marine resources shall be respected and observed.
Customary Heritage Values
Due recognition is given to the customary and heritage values of our people in the management of the sector.
Gender Balance and Equal Opportunities
Equal opportunity is given to all, especially women, to earn a living from the utilisation of the country’s fisheries resources.
Stamping out Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
Continue to fight and prosecute illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and implement international agreements.
Maximising Utilisation and Production
Fisheries and aquaculture are developed to maximise the net economic return to the PNG economy ensuring food security and livelihood opportunities.
Transparency in Decision Making
Decisions are made in consultation with all relevant stakeholders.
Regulatory Effectiveness and Cost Recovery
Regulatory and cost recovery requirements that are fit for purpose.
Meeting our International Obligations
The fisheries sector is managed in a manner that is consistent with PNG’s international obligations, emphasising cooperation in the management of highly migratory and shared fish stocks.
Precautionary Approach
The absence of adequate scientific information should not be used as a reason for postponing or failing to take conservation and management measures.
Global, Regional, Domestic Co-Dependency and Responsibility
Recognise the shared responsibility of the migratory nature of the offshore fishery in the global, regional and domestic and to act in co-dependence ways to achieve harmonious ownership and usage.
Guiding Principles
1. The engine room for economic growth is the private sector and as such commercial development of fisheries and aquaculture encourages and welcomes both domestic and foreign direct investment.
2. Environmental considerations and sustainability principles are fundamental to commercial development aspirations since long term profitability of the sector is contingent on a sustainably managed fisheries resources and habitats.
3. Sustainable principles to be applied in all exploitation, commercialisation, downstream processing, value adding activities and trade in compliance with national and international food standards.
4. Ensure optimum balance between commercialisation and environmental protection through determining threshold limits to disturbance to marine and aquatic ecosystems.
5. Resource protection through stock assessment, MCS programs, promotion of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) or marine conservation initiatives.
The purpose of the National Fisheries Authority is to pursue our Vision through the operation of best practice service in order to fulfill our national and global obligations. We pursue this through our Business Groups:
1. Directorate
Providing dynamic and transparent leadership, informed decision making, and international recognition for fishery development and management practices
2. Corporate Services
Providing Efficient and Effective Administrative and Organizational Services in:
Human Resources Management
Legal Services
Property Management
Information Technology and Management
Communication and Public Relations
3. Finance and Accounts
Ensuring excellence in accounting and financial practice, investment, risk management, payroll and asset management
4. Fisheries Management
Achieving sustainable fisheries through dynamic, innovative and consultative fishery management practices and aquaculture development
5. Licensing and Data Management
Delivering a customer focused and timely license processing, data collection, entry and utilization
6. Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
Adopting and sustaining best practice systems in pursuit of full compliance with national, regional and international regulations, laws and codes of conduct
7. Provincial Support and Industry Development
Growing vibrant partnerships and well defined working relationships in pursuit of sustainable and equitable community fisheries, and cost effective management; and ensuring maximized investment, social and economic benefits through strategic relationships and alliances in commercial and industrial fisheries
8. Project Management
Establishing and implementing strategic and innovative project initiatives in support of agreed NFA strategies
9.Institute of Sustainable Marine Resources / National Fisheries College
Undertaking strategic and sustained intervention in support of sectoral skill development and enhancement, and effective policy implementation
Projects We Support